Discover the beauty of Fennario Meadows with these unique greeting cards, featuring exquisite photography by acclaimed artist Peter Dušek. Each card captures the stunning views of the farm, creating a delightful way for all to admire the picturesque scenery. Enjoy the world-class craftsmanship of an exceptional artist, and let this card express the beauty of our farm to the person who is receiving it.
Tip: Find a 5x7 frame for this greeting card to add a touch of elegance to your home.
Peter Dušek is an award-winning artist who uses photography to explore visual art as a universal language to evoke emotion using colour, abstraction of landscape elements, and a dash of surrealism. With the simplicity and cutting power of a haiku poem, each of his toned photographs is a visual expression that many people say recalls memories of their past. Seeking the perfect balance between too much and too little, his signature minimalist design goal is “as little as possible, as much as necessary”.
See more of his work at
Contains: 1 card and 1 envelope